
News ID: 132482
Publish Date : 15 October 2024 - 22:31

Illegitimacy of Israel’s Existence

By: Kayhan International
Israel is not a historical, geographical, political or even cultural country. It is a usurper entity planted in Palestine by Britain in 1948 at the end of its two decades of occupation by illegally settling a few hundred thousand non-Semitic east European Zionists with no connection to the ancient Israelite tribes.
It is actually an outpost or military base of the neo-colonial West to dominate, divide, and destabilize the Arab states and adjoining Muslim countries through assassinations, terrorism, wars, and genocide.
Its rulers are a murderous clique of racist criminals unrelated to the tenets of Judaism, and thus considered illegitimate by the real Jews, who maintain that it is against the fundamentals of their faith in setting up of such a state in the absence of ‘their’ expected Messiah.
In view of these undeniable facts, neither does Islam permit the recognition of Israel nor does Christianity, and along with Judaism (as is clear by the campaigns of the real Jews, including their burning of the Israeli flag at rallies worldwide). Thus, the Zionist entity ought not to exist on the map of the world.
This was the reason most Muslim countries, until a few of them were forced by the US, had not established diplomatic ties with Israel, which also was not recognized by the Vatican (the seat of the Catholic world) prior to 19 January 1994 – despite the open slandering of Jesus and the Virgin Mary (peace upon them) by the Zionists.
No wonder, the catholic countries of South America are beginning to sever all ties with usurper Israel.
In other words, no conscientious person of any creed or ideology ignores Israel’s unabated crimes against humanity since 1948 and the virtual enslavement of the native Palestinians, who are the real owners of this land.
It now becomes clear Iran’s principled step in February 1979 to sever ties with usurper Israel and hand over the Zionist embassy in Tehran to representatives of the Palestinian people.
The same year the Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (RA), designated the Last Friday of the Fasting month of Ramadhan as International Qods Day for mobilizing people all over the world for the campaign to liberate Palestine and Islam’s former qibla (prayer direction), the al-Aqsa Mosque.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, whose constitution recognizes Judaism as part of the revealed religions and has an elected member of Iran’s Jewish minority in the parliament, has molded not just the Muslim people of the region but also free thinkers of all creeds worldwide into the Axis of Resistance for confronting and ending Israel’s crimes against humanity.
This “writing on the wall” has scared the Zionists of their fast approaching doom, as coordinated efforts are underway from various parts of West Asia for countering their terrorism.
The horror-stricken Israeli war criminals in league with the frightened US, have consequently subjected the people of Gaza to a genocide with plans to launch a holocaust on Lebanon, and if possible on Syria.
The devilish duo will never succeed. Thanks to the blood of martyrs, sooner than expected, the Palestinians and the Lebanese will throw the cobweb called Israel into the dustbin of history making the Americans retreat in humility.