
News ID: 131732
Publish Date : 25 September 2024 - 22:15

US Hypocrisy Fails to Benefit Zionist Terrorism

By: Kayhan International     

US hypocrisy, its fig leaf blown by the illegitimate Zionist entity’s holocaust in Gaza by the, stands shamelessly exposed to the civilized world as the racist occupiers of Palestine make a suicidal bid to extend their genocidal campaign to Lebanon.
Washington, the engine driving Israel’s terrorism in the region, can no longer claim to be against expansion of war and desirous of ceasefire, when its politicians and the press openly support the war criminals in Tel Aviv and supply them with a constant flow of lethal weapons to kill the Palestinian and Lebanese people and reduce their towns to rubble.
In other words, the Americans are complicit in the growing crimes against humanity of the non-Israelite and non-Semitic clique of East European terrorists in usurpation of Palestine since 1948.
The situation has to change, and it certainly will. Evil, despite its brutalities cannot triumph over righteousness. 
The Israeli plan to intrude into Lebanon with US help in a bid to weaken the legendry anti-terrorist movement, the Hezbollah, will surely fail and end in devastating defeat for the aggressors.
For the defenders, martyrdom is part of their life and they are willing to court it in growing numbers in pursuit of the promised victory over the cowardly usurpers, who no doubt have better weapons and logistics, but are utterly devoid of faith and morals.
The reference to these realities was made in Tehran on Wednesday by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in his meeting with senior Iranian military commanders commemorating the Holy Defence Week and recalling the defeat of the US and world-supported Saddam who has completely vanished from the scene, along with the satanic ideology of Ba’thism.
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in his televised speech took note of the current events in the region, saying: “In this war against Lebanon and Palestine, the infidel and evil enemy has the most equipment and the US is behind it – lying all the time that it is not involved though actively involved.”
He pointed out: “For the upcoming elections, the current US regime needs to show that it has supported the Zionist regime and had it win the war. Of course, they also need the votes of American Muslims, so they pretend that they are not involved.”
This US hypocrisy does not fool the free world, which fully knows that final victory belongs to the righteous even if they have a tenth of the enemy’s money, weapons, facilities, and propaganda apparatus, since they are armed with faith and striving in the way of Allah.