
News ID: 131692
Publish Date : 24 September 2024 - 22:26

Dr. Pezeshkian’s Prescription for Healthy World Order

By: Kayhan International
The new Iranian president in his maiden address to world nations on Tuesday from the podium of the headquarters of the United Nations in New York spoke the truth about the pathetic situation of the world and the remedies required, but does his words of wisdom have any takers in the corridors of global powers willing to resolve the crises? 
Dr. Massoud Pezeshkian, a cardiologist by profession, correctly diagnosed the uneven heartbeats on the international scene ranging from the lack of justice, the manufacture of nuclear weapons, and the US unilateral sanctions on nations of the free world to the genocide in Gaza, where the chronic disease called Zionism has claimed 42,000 victims in less than a year.
His address at the 79th General Assembly session of the supposedly neutral but completely toothless World Body, stressed urgent measures to stop the alarmingly high doses of cholesterol injected by usurper Israel’s terrorism in Palestine, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon, where in the last named country some 600 people were killed and 2,000 others injured in a single day on Monday.
The UN, quarantined by the US and deprived of any healing power to implement the verdicts of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Israel, will not endorse any of the suggestions of the Iranian president.
It, however, has words of praise for his ‘surprising’ readiness to revive the Washington-breached JCPOA and the highly controversial FATF – issues not generally accepted as healthy by the majority of people in Iran because of American lawlessness and complicity in the illegal Zionist entity’s crimes against humanity on the pretext of so-called accords.
Dr. Pezeshkian, unlike his predecessor Martyr Ayatollah Seyyed Ibrahim Raisi, is new to both the national and international political arenas of the Islamic Republic, whose principled policies are the cure for ailing hearts worldwide to prevent the injection of triglycerides by the US and its accomplices in the body politic of the free world, as part of their heartbreaking policies.
He will certainly mature and the best course is to follow in the revolutionary footsteps of the “People’s President” who during his incomplete term of only three years played a dynamic heart-lifting role at the domestic, regional, and global levels.
In the meanwhile, let us unanimously stand beside him during his just started 4-year term to help him serve the nation and the Axis of Resistance as a prudent physician always ready to ensure their sound physical and psychological health.