
News ID: 131150
Publish Date : 08 September 2024 - 22:06

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

By: Kayhan Internatjional
The genocide in Gaza continues unabated as the first anniversary of the holocaust launched on Palestinians by the illegal Zionist entity on October 8 approaches.   
The UN is helpless and except for toothless protests it cannot do anything to stop the massacre, because the super terrorist (the US), is directing the death and destruction in Gaza.
Washington is the master of hypocrisy. While supplying hundreds of billions of dollars of the most lethal armaments to the Israeli army, in addition to hundreds of billions of dollars in cash, it pretends it is working for a ceasefire.
This is nothing but preposterous lies to deceive world public opinion, especially of Arab states, where reactionary regimes as part of their policy of backstabbing the Palestinians, are desirous of openly worshipping at the altar of Zionism.
They are keen on establishing diplomatic ties with the common enemy of not just the Muslims, but of all humanity.
This is the sorry state of affairs in West Asia, where the US has spread its tentacles to try to squeeze the states of the region into submission to Israel.
Yet despite these crimes against humanity, the Gazans have shown their spirit of indomitable resistance. 
They have so far offered 41,000 martyrs in addition to the hundred thousand wounded – most of them maimed for life.
The atrocities of usurper Israel has now spread to the West Bank of River Jordan, where the situation has become alarming.
Towns and cities are under siege and soldiers, along with the dangerously armed illegal Zionist migrants from around the world,roam the streets to kill the Palestinians at will.
In such a situation the only hope for the long persecuted Palestinians is the Axis of Resistance which is steadily spreading in the region to awaken masses in countries ruled by unrepresentive regimes that take orders from Washington.
The inspiration for them are Lebanon’s legendry anti-terrorist movement, the Hezbollah, Yemen’s popular Ansarallah Movement, the heroic Hashd ash-Sha’bi of Iraq, the indefatigable people and government of Syria, and of course, the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The people of Turkiye, as well as of other countries are also eager to make common cause with the Axis of Resistance against the illegal Zionist entity.
Once this happens, Insha Allah (God Willing) peace will prevail and the world will see end of not only the Zionist entity, but also of US hegemony in our region.