
News ID: 129561
Publish Date : 21 July 2024 - 21:37

Worldwide Rallies Call for ‘End to Genocide’ in Gaza

DALLAS (Dispatches) – Groups of pro-Palestinian protesters held a rally on a bridge over a highway in Dallas, Texas, on Saturday to express solidarity with Palestine and to demand ‘an end to the genocide in Gaza’.
Footage shows protesters rallying on the bridge with banners and flags of Palestine. A police officer could also be seen arriving at the scene and talking to protesters.
“We will try to spread awareness. This is very important. So, people, they should know and they should spread the truth and stand up for justice and stand up for what is right,” shared a pro-Palestinian protester.
“It’s heartbreaking when you see your children, they slaughtered to pieces with the strike with our tax money sent from here. It’s really heartbreaking,” he added.
Meanwhile, German police cracked down harshly on pro-Palestinian protesters Saturday and detained many in Berlin.
During a march that started from Neptunbrunnen Square, demonstrators chanted slogans such as “Germany finances, Israel bombs”, “Terrorist Israel”, “Palestine is ours” and “Freedom for Palestine,” according to Anadolu Agency.
Police intervened harshly against those in support of Palestine and detained many of the protesters.
Two female demonstrators were injured during the harsh intervention.
Furthermore, pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched on the streets of Paris on Saturday to demand a ban on Israel’s participation in the 2024 Olympic Games. 
Footage shows demonstrators marching with Palestinian flags and keffiyehs while chanting pro-Palestinian slogans. Some protesters were also holding up signs reading ‘No to Israel’s participation in the Olympics! Genocide is not an Olympic test’, ‘In Gaza, people are reduced to pieces’ and ‘Palestine will not be silenced’. 
Demonstrators call on the French government and Olympics committee to ban Israel for its actions in the Gaza Strip as fighting between Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza continues for the tenth month.
In Australia, authorities at a top university in Australia used illegal surveillance methods against pro-Palestinian demonstrators, who have for several months been protesting against the regime’s atrocities in the Gaza Strip.
Students at the University of Melbourne staged encampment protests and sit-in strikes to force the university to cut ties with weapons manufacturers, divest from Israeli firms, and “end its complicity in the genocide in Gaza,” said protest organizer Dana Alshaer.
Alshaer, one of the main organizers of UniMelb for Palestine, told Turkish news agency Anadolu that along with 20 other students, she is now facing “extremely baseless” allegations of misconduct from the university and the threat of expulsion.
“They targeted five main organizers of UniMelb for Palestine, and they also targeted some prominent students who have been very visibly present during rallies and protests on campus,” said Alshaer. 
In the South Korean capital, Seoul, people gathered to protest the massacre of an estimated 100 Palestinian civilians who were sheltering in a supposed safe zone in Gaza earlier this month. 
Demonstrators also demanded South Korea put an end to its cooperation with the Zionist regime, condemning the government for hosting Korea-Israel Innovation Day.