
News ID: 129201
Publish Date : 08 July 2024 - 22:55

US Should Face Justice for Crimes Against Humanity

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer

The most notorious violator of human rights around the world is without the least doubt the US.
For several decades, the Democrat and Republican regimes that take turn at the White House to terrorize the world, have committed more crimes against humanity than the most merciless tyrants of history.
Yet, Washington resorts to hypocrisy by feigning verbal respect for human rights, a claim which now no one believes, especially following the torture, abuse, and killing of helpless prisoners from Bagram in Afghanistan, to Abu Ghraib in Iraq, the subhuman prison on Cuba’s occupied Guantanamo, and the massacre of over 500,000 people in Syria over a 11-year period.
The current complicity of the US in the ongoing Zionist genocide in Gaza of the Palestinian people is no longer a secret, as the death toll over the past nine months has reached 40,000 civilians (mostly women and children), while almost a hundred thousand have been seriously injured, many of them maimed for life.
According to a recent report, the United States has been directly involved in the displacement of some 40 million people in 85 countries across the world by conducting military operations, supporting tyrannical regimes, and funding terrorists, as well as the economic terrorism of sanctions.
Unfortunately, because of its military power the US has escaped accountability for its terrorism and crimes worldwide. It has bypassed global and regional instruments of justice. It has also warned of reprisals against the International Criminal Court following the recent warrants issued by the ICC for arrest of the US-supported war criminals, such as Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu.
The US, however, is not above international law. It must face justice.
Reports say, after South Africa filed a case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for genocide in Gaza, Pretoria’s prominent lawyers are preparing a separate lawsuit against the US and UK regimes on the grounds that they are complicit in the Zionist entity’s war crimes in Palestine.
The initiative, led by South African lawyer Wikus Van Rensburg, aims to prosecute those who are complicit in the crime in civilian courts in collaboration with lawyers from the US and UK, with whom he is already in contact.
If this happens, it will be a major triumph for international law, and will protect the life, property, and freedom of scores of millions of people all over the world.