
News ID: 129166
Publish Date : 08 July 2024 - 22:40

Hamas: Thousands of New Fighters Recruited During Gaza War

GAZA (Dispatches) – Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, says that they have recruited thousands of new fighters during the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip with the Zionist regime since October 2023, with more ready to join if necessary.
In a recorded video statement, Abu Obaida, spokesperson for Al-Qassam, said the brigades managed to “recruit thousands of new fighters from the support ranks during the war, and thousands more are prepared to join when needed”.
“The human capabilities of the Al-Qassam Brigades are in excellent shape, and our fighters’ ability to fight and endure has become stronger and greater.”
The Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza have enhanced their defensive capabilities and recycled the Zionist regime’s army munitions and rockets, he added.
The spokesman had earlier said nine months into the Zionist regime’s genocidal war on Gaza, the regime’s forces are receiving painful blows everywhere they are invading.
Abu Obaida made the remarks in a statement as the Israeli onslaught on the besieged Palestinian territory entered its tenth month.
He said despite nine months of Israel’s incessant airstrikes and artillery fire, “the enemy [has] received and continues to receive a response from our resistance fighters … [who are] killing its soldiers, destroying its vehicles, and ambushing its forces. In parallel, it is receiving painful blows everywhere it has invaded again.”
“The enemy [forces] will emerge defeated as they did before, by the power of Allah Almighty,” the Al-Qassam spokesman said. 
Slamming the inability of international organizations to force the regime to accept a ceasefire in Gaza, Abu Obaida said nine months after the beginning of the Israeli onslaught “our people are still being subjected to Nazi-Zionist-American aggression and genocide as punishment for their adherence to their land and sanctities and for exercising their natural right to … expel the occupiers.”
“This is happening in full view of the world and on live broadcast screens, so that the world can see through Gaza the lies of international organizations, the inability of the alleged human rights laws, and the flaw of selective international justice,” he said.
Abu Obaida added that the world today sees openly that the Zionist regime is “denying even the existence of the Palestinian people, [and is] practicing systematic cleansing and genocide in the West Bank, Al-Quds, and Gaza.” 
He emphasized that despite Israel’s aggression against Gaza, “our resistance has not been exhausted, nor has it relented, nor has it subsided, as we are still fighting in Gaza without support or external supply of weapons and [military] equipment.”
The Al-Qassam spokesman said Palestinian resistance fighters “are inflicting casualties on the enemy’s targets and defeating its army, although it is heavily armed and equipped and … is supported by the United States and Britain, who are the main partners to [the Zionist regime’s] aggression and genocide.”