
News ID: 128722
Publish Date : 25 June 2024 - 21:55

Judaism and Zionism are Poles Apart

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
The ongoing genocide of Palestinians in the small Gaza strip over the past nine months by the usurper entity called Israel has caused open conflict between adherents of the religion of Judaism and the non-Semitic Godless hordes that make up Zionism.
This is evident from the demonstrations in North America and West Europe, where Jews with belief in God Almighty and the mission of Prophet Moses are expressing support for the rights of the long persecuted Palestinian Muslims and Christians, while decrying the holocaust with placards reading: “Not in the name of Judaism.
Many orthodox Jews in the West are burning the Israeli flag at public rallies by stating that the planting of Israel in Palestine in 1948 was, and is, against the tenets of Judaism.
In fact, the real Semitic Jews have always abhorred the devilish concept of Zionism that emerged in late 19th century in Eastern Europe amongst certain non-Semitic ethnicities such as the Khazar, with false claims of conversion to Judaism.
Today’s original Jews are a fraction of remnants of the ancient Israelite tribes that over the past two millenniums had neither accepted Christianity nor were Arabicized as Muslims – as most Palestinians with proven genealogical descent from the twelve sons of Prophet Jacob, did.
These realities scientifically supported by DNA have greatly alarmed the Zionists, who in turn are desperately trying to call any move against the terrorism of Israel as ‘anti-Semitism’.
The lie of ‘anti-Semitism’ as well as the myth of the holocaust in Nazi-ruled areas of Eastern Europe, have long been exposed as baseless.
This is the reason the Zionists have begun to criticize child-killer Benjamin Netanyahu (actually Satanyahu) as a threat to the survival of Israel.
Recently, Ami Ayalon, a former head of the notorious spying agency ‘Shin Bet’ and a former Israeli Navy Chief, while commenting on the genocide in Gaza, in an interview with CNN said: “Netanyahu’s ‘toxic leadership’ will lead to end of Zionism.”
He is right, but in a sense wrong also. Times have drastically changed. Whether Netanyahu resigns or remains, Zionist is fast hurtling towards doom.
This Godless, inhuman, and barbaric concept can’t be sold anymore in the name of Jews or Judaism.
In other words, the actual Jews, including those living in the Islamic Republic of Iran with elected representatives in the parliament and synagogues to practice their religious rites, are against Zionism and fully believe that the sooner the Zionist entity is eradicated from the region, the better for Judaism and world peace.
This message also echoes at universities throughout the US and Europe, where the demonstrators are determined to stop their governments from prolonging the existence of Israel through weapons and money.
We now better understand the slogan of liberation of Palestine from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea.