
News ID: 128630
Publish Date : 22 June 2024 - 21:48

Terroristic Canada Told: Physician Heal Thyself

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer

Canada is the name of a large swath of North America seized by Britain from the native Amerindian tribes whom the occupiers almost exterminated and which today functions as a comrade-in-crimes against humanity to the United States of America, especially in Washington’s wars overseas and the terroristic policy of sanctions against independent countries.
Ever since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979 Iran is well aware of Canada’s blind hostility towards it at international forums and the asylum that Ottawa provides to criminals fleeing justice from the Islamic Republic including embezzlers absconding with hundreds of millions of foreign currencies.
Canada is also a blinkered backer of Zionist usurpation of Palestine and the genocide underway in Gaza.
In view of these facts, it was not a surprise when the racist regime in Ottawa notorious for its suppression of the native Amerindian people and their rights, took the idiotic step of declaring as a ‘terrorist organ’, the world’s largest anti-terrorist organization that Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) is.
Canada, however, despite its large size, is helpless against Iran and the Iranian people, including the various government apparatuses. 
Its policies are fundamentally flawed and it has a negative record against the Free World, as is evident by two of its military misadventures over the past two decades.
The first was in Somalia where as part of the NATO forces sent by the United Nations in 1992 during the civil war for the so-called “Operation Restore Hope”, it indulged in racist crimes against the black people from the Petawawa base.
The Canadian soldiers used to harass the Somali Muslims and shoot them for no reason, to the extent that they made bets with each other on how brutally to kill the black people.
This systematic killing and torture of the Somali people, including sexual abuse, remains to this day as an indelible blot on Canada and its army of white supremacist soldiers.
The second and more fully documented scandal of the Canadian army was in the 2001 US occupation of Afghanistan where, as part of the NATO intruding forces the Afghan people, mostly civilians, were shot and killed in cold blood as target practice.
To this day, the Afghan Muslim people intensely hate the Canadians for their brutalities, noting that torture included the pulling out of fingernails and toenails, burning with hot oil, and beatings.
In 2011, these crimes against humanity by the notorious Canadian terroristic army, were published on many websites, titled “Canada’s Shameful Legacy of Torture in Afghanistan”.
Thus, the Ottawa regime, whose plot to blame Iran for an accidental plane crash was recently been dismissed after thorough investigation of the Ukraine aircraft incident, has in sheer frustration labelled as ‘terrorist’ a humanitarian organization such as the IRGC, which is known for its defence of the oppressed, and maintenance of peace and security.