
News ID: 127738
Publish Date : 26 May 2024 - 22:01

Interim President: Iran’s Support for Resistance Unshakable

TEHRAN -- Interim president 
Muhammad Mokhber says there will be no shift in Iran’s strategy of supporting resistance groups, especially the Palestinians, after the martyrdom of President Ebrahim Raisi.
In a telephone conversation with Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement Ziad al-Nakhalah, Mokhber said President Raisi and Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdollahian were seriously attentive to the issue of support for the resistance and the rights of the Palestinians.
“The basic strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in backing the resistance front, especially the Palestinian resistance groups, will not alter by the change of people,” Mokhber asserted.
Mokhber described resistance as the most effective way to counter Israeli crimes and aggression.
Nakhalah offered condolences to the Iranian government and people, saying the country will overcome the tragedy thanks to its qualified officials and revolutionary nation.
“Martyr Raisi and Martyr Amir-Abdollahian were always on the frontline in defending the interests of the Iranian nation and supporting the resistance,” he added.
Separately, Mokhber said the Islamic Republic will resolutely continue the policy of the late president to promote ties with Iraq.
In a meeting with Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid, who was in Tehran to pay homage to President Raisi and his companions, Mokhber said the late president’s huge and bitter loss reinforced national unity inside the country and created convergence and synergy between the resistance front and Muslim countries.
He said that one of the late president’s most significant successes was to improve Iran’s relations with Muslim and neighboring countries.
Mokhber said the Iraqi government and nation have a leading position in Iran’s foreign policy.
He said the late president played a leading and influential role in strengthening the resistance front, changing power equations in the world by promoting synergy with independent countries and defeating the U.S. and Israeli regime’s hegemony.
Iran, he said, will firmly continue its principled stance in support of the resistance front based on the prudent guidelines of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.
The Iraqi president, for his part, praised Iran’s support for his country and said President Raisi’s martyrdom is not only a great and irreparable tragedy for the Iranian nation but also the people of Iraq and the entire region.
Rashid added that the Iraqi government and nation will stand by the government and nation of Iran in this painful incident.
He expressed Baghdad’s determination to further improve relations with Tehran, saying his country will take all the necessary measure in this regard.
Rashid’s visit to Tehran came after Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani visited Tehran to meet with Ayatollah Khamenei and attend the funeral procession of Raisi and his companions.