
News ID: 127696
Publish Date : 25 May 2024 - 22:26

Raisi Resuscitated Iran, Butcher Biden Isolated the US

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer

For the umpteenth time, for almost a week, the Iranian people gave a grand display of their loyalty to the ideals of the Islamic Revolution and the goals of the Islamic Republic, which include a region free of foreign interference and a world liberated from American hegemony, when in millions they attended the funerary ceremonies of their beloved President and his martyred companions.
Millions more Iranians who could not take to the streets for various reasons witnessed with moist eyes and saddened hearts on TV screens the public outpour of grief, with prayers on their lips for the martyrs of the tragic copter crash, joined by vast multitudes of sympathizers worldwide watching the scenes unfolding in Iran, where at least delegations from 68 countries and international forums flew to Tehran to officially offer condolences to the Islamic Republic government.  
The cities of Tabriz, Qom, Tehran, Birjand, Mashhad, Zanjan, Isfahan, Shahr-e Rayy, Najafabad and Abhar, through which the coffins of the eight martyrs slowly traversed because of packed streets, attracted the world’s attention with invocation of the immortal martyrs of Karbala by the black-clad roaring oceans of mourners reaffirming allegiance to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, vowing to continue the policies of the “People’s President”, and chanting Death to the US and Israel.
Why the cursing of the American regime and the illegal Zionist entity? What is the connection of these two (undoubtedly evil) to Iran’s national, regional, and international policies, or to the legacy of Ayatollah Seyyed Ibrahim Raisi and the dynamic diplomacy of his foreign minister, Martyr Hossein Amir Abdollahian?
The answers are obvious and were given in various ways by world leaders and the international community which respectfully observed a minute’s silence for the late Iranian president in their various gatherings – to the horror of Washington and Tel Aviv and their ceaseless slaughtering of the defenceless people of Gaza.
Then, as solace to the souls of the Iranian president and foreign minister, both of whom strove to awaken consciences worldwide towards the unending 76-year holocaust of the Palestinians, the ICJ (International Court of Justice) endorsed South Africa’s ceaseless lobbying for justice by issuing on Friday its binding verdict – backed by the UN and even many West European countries – for the immediate end of the genocide in Gaza.
Genocidal Joe or more properly Biden the Butcher, as the current US president will go down in history for his part in the massacre of over 35,000 civilians (mostly women and children) over the past seven-and-a-half months by the homicidal maniac, Benjamin Netanyahu, in addition to the serious injuries of 80,000 others and the complete destruction of the infrastructure, now stands more isolated than ever, both at home and abroad.
With university students, along with a growing number of American government officials decrying the brutalities of their regime in the mass massacre in Gaza, Biden has reduced the US to a pariah state ostracized by the world community of nations, except for a handful of criminal minded regimes. 
The International Criminal Court (ICC) which has issued the warrant for the arrest of child-killer Netanyahu and his cowardly Minister of War, who styles himself as ‘Gallant’, should also have given orders for arresting Biden the Butcher.  
As for the Islamic Republic of Iran, despite the economic and other forms of US terrorism, such as sanctions, falsifying of facts, senseless propaganda, and support for traitors, has gone from the strength-to-strength. This is fully evident by its soaring influence in the region and beyond, including the growing demand of conscientious people all over the world for “Palestine should be free from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea.”
Peace unto Martyr Raisi and his companions in salvaging the power and prestige of Iran by not only freeing national economy (including peaceful nuclear energy) from the shackles of some US breached highly flawed accord, but for mobilizing the world for the fast approaching wiping out of the cobweb called Israel.