
News ID: 125851
Publish Date : 02 April 2024 - 21:19

Charity Warns Child Malnutrition in Gaza Worsening Amid Genocide

LONDON (Dispatches) – The UK-based organization, Save the Children, warned on Tuesday of child malnutrition in Gaza amid the Zionist regime’s genocide, Anadolu Agency reports.
The organization recalled that 346,000 children under the age of 5 are at risk in Gaza.
“In the north, it is estimated that one in three children under the age of two are now suffering from wasting, the most severe form of malnutrition, compared to one in six children in January, according to The Global Nutrition Cluster – a group of humanitarian organizations focused on nutrition,” it explained.
The British Charity narrated the stories of Gazans, including children with special health conditions such as anaemia or those starving to death, and added that “they also need essential medicines such as antibiotics, health facilities and trained health care workers who can detect and treat malnutrition.”
“Life-saving supplies which could be used to treat malnourished children are being delayed and denied entry by Israel. Essential food and medical data-x-items are obstructed from entering Gaza for days, weeks, or even months,” the organization also said.
It further added that attacks on aid workers undermine deliveries, “further restricting an already hamstrung humanitarian response”.
The Zionist regime has killed more than 32,000 Palestinians since an October 7 operation by Palestinian resistance group, Hamas, which claimed 1,200 lives.
However, since then, it has been revealed by Haaretz that helicopters and tanks of the Israeli army had, in fact, killed many of the 1,139 soldiers and civilians claimed by Israel to have been killed by the Palestinian resistance.
It has also imposed a crippling blockade on the Gaza Strip, leaving its population, particularly residents of northern Gaza, on the verge of starvation.
Last week, the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to ensure “unhindered provision” of urgent aid to Gaza. The UN Court said “Palestinians in Gaza are no longer facing only a risk of famine … but that famine is setting in.”