
News ID: 121669
Publish Date : 20 November 2023 - 21:53
50 Soldiers Buried Over 48 Hours

Anger at Netanyahu as Zionist Troop Deaths Rise

WEST BANK (Dispatches) – The director of the Israeli military cemetery on Mount Herzl, west of Al-Quds, David Oren Baruch, revealed on Monday that as many as 50 Zionist troops have been buried within the past 48 hours.
Baruch said, in a statement issued by the Zionist war ministry: “We are now going through a period every hour there is a funeral, every hour and a half a funeral.”
“Only in the Mount Herzl cemetery did we bury 50 soldiers in 48 hours,” he added.
On Sunday, the occupying regime’s army said 380 soldiers and officers had been killed since 7 October, claiming a majority of them were killed on that day.
The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation reported on Sunday that 60 soldiers were killed in the ground aggression in the northern Gaza Strip since 7 October.
Israeli writers expressed their dissatisfaction and anger at the cabinet of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in the wake of the increasing number of officers and soldiers killed in the ongoing battles with the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip.
Activist Dan Adin said on X: “For 43 days since the start of the war, the heavy price in blood is rising, and no one – but absolutely no one – is wondering what the political goal is: who will rule Gaza. Netanyahu and his disastrous cabinet only inform us who is not – no one asks who is (perhaps the Tooth Fairy would agree). A chronicle of an unfolding disaster – of sinking into the mud without an exit strategy.”
He warned that the Zionist regime’s war on the Gaza Strip would end in “disaster – of sinking into the mud without an exit strategy.”
As for writer Tamar Meital, she wrote, “How many days and weeks can we bear the loss of life for the sake of a goal that does not seem achievable, which is the elimination of the Hamas movement?”
For his part, writer Oren Simon linked the increase in deaths in the ranks of the army to the approaches and performance of Netanyahu, saying, “What Netanyahu is looking for is to stay in the same place, in order to remain prime minister. He is afraid that he will lose the keys to cabinet.”