Significance of Aban 13
Salaam dear young friends. How are you today, hope you are all well by the Grace of Almighty Lord.
Well youngsters, Saturday happens to be the 13th of Aban on which three crucial events occurred in the history of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.
It is the day that shattered the idol of arrogance, that is the US, and with the capture of the Den of Spies by revolutionary students, it made Washington bite the dust. Iranians and dedicated Muslims all over the world will forever commemorate this day with jubilation for the fall of the Great Satan. It was a master stroke of revolutionary strategy that ensured the stability of the newfound Islamic Republic and has continued to be the source of strength for the Iranian people. The Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (RA), had hailed the heroic takeover of the US embassy in Tehran in 1979 by Muslim students as the “Second Revolution”.
The US embassy in Tehran, long detested by Iranians for its highly suspicious and undiplomatic activities turned out to be espionage den. The seized gadgets and documents revealed startling facts. The Americans, in league with certain treasonous elements in Iran were plotting to overthrow the Islamic Republic system. The shredded documents, painstakingly restored by the dedicated students, showed that the US mission in Tehran was the headquarters of a vast network of espionage spread in the region for spying upon regional states, and especially the Soviet Union.
This was indeed a great blow to Washington and that explains for the avowed hostility of Uncle Sam towards the Iranian people, against whom none of the plots have succeeded, beginning with the 8-year war launched by Saddam of Iraq’s repressive Ba’th minority regime to the current sanctions, which the US, despite the recent agreement in Vienna on Iran’s peaceful nuclear programme, has yet to lift.
Aban 13 is rightly called the “Day of National Campaign against Global Arrogance”. It is a day of triumph for the aspirations of the Late Imam Khomeini, who on this day in 1964 was exiled to Turkey on US orders – a measure that ultimately boomeranged on the Pahlavi regime. That is the reason Iran and the Iranians cannot afford to given up the slogan of “Death to the US.”
Meanwhile, in 1978 on this fateful day of Aban 13, when it was clear to all that it was only a matter of time for the Pahlavi regime to be swept into oblivion, the US stooge at the behest of his overlords in Washington ordered the massacre of students at Tehran University who were staging a peaceful rally calling for the return home from exile of their beloved leader, Imam Khomeini. The bloody event backfire so badly on US designs that two months later the hated Shah was forced to flee Iran, and on February 1, the Imam returned to lead the Islamic Revolution to its resounding triumph.
God bless you and goodbye until we meet again next week.