
News ID: 120927
Publish Date : 31 October 2023 - 21:55

‘Israel’ Omitted From Online Maps in China

BEIJING (Dispatches) – Online maps prepared by several Chinese companies have omitted the name ‘Israel’ from the land of historic Palestine, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). The report noted that internet users in China have expressed bewilderment that the name “Israel” doesn’t appear on online digital maps from leading Chinese websites such as the country’s dominant search engine Baidu and trading platform Alibaba. The newspaper said that it had contacted both companies for comment, but has yet to receive a response. It acknowledged, though, that it is unclear whether it is a new development, although it has garnered a lot of attention online from Chinese social media users since the Zionist reime’s bombardment of the Gaza Strip started more than three weeks ago.