
News ID: 117911
Publish Date : 05 August 2023 - 21:44

The Enlightening Message of the Holy Qur’an

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer

Whether it is called “freedom of expression” by its agnostic advocates, or “desecration of sanctity” by the world’s two billion Muslims, or still “spread of hatred amongst religions” by politicians more concerned with security of the place they rule rather than any respect for the spiritual values of mankind, the burning of copies of the Holy Qur’an in Sweden, Denmark, and some other countries, have exposed the satanic nature of the blasphemers.
The sacrilege, which is part of the Zionist-sponsored plot of Islamophobia, has failed to create enmity between Muslims and the followers of other religions, especially Christianity, in which the Qur’an-burners were born, although these Godless elements have long renounced the creed of the Virgin-born Messiah.
This brainless bid to tarnish the image of Islam has opened new ways of cooperation between followers of different schools of Islamic jurisprudence as well as between Christian priests and Muslim ulema.
For instance, prominent Ayatollahs of the Qom Seminary have contacted and received positive response from the Sheikh of Egypt’s al-Azhar University, while Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Sistani of the Najaf Seminary has written a letter in this regard to Pope Francis II of the Vatican.
The gist of these messages is clear. The countries allowing the burning of religious texts should immediately end this sacrilegious policy and punish the blasphemous burners of scriptures.
Wonder what action the regimes in Sweden, Denmark, and other countries will now take to end their barely disguised Zionist sponsored Islamophobia campaign – Judeo-Christian Phobia as well, since the Holy Qur’an is replete with reverential references to the Prophets Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, and Jesus, along with his immaculate mother, Mary (peace upon them all).
At the same time, it is interesting to see what trade and political actions Muslim countries will take if the offending countries persist in their anti-Islamic policies.
As for those enemies of humanity who seem to be thrilled at the desecration of the Holy Qur’an they should scratch their brains and go through the text which Muslims believe to be the universal Heavenly Scripture whose challenge to all mankind to bring a semblance to its timeless wisdom remains unanswered.
“And if you are in doubt concerning what We have sent down to Our servant (the Prophet of Islam), then bring a Surah (chapter) like it.” (2:23).
It is obvious they cannot, as admitted by conscientious non-Muslim scholars of Arabic, including Jews and Christians.
The miserable book burners and their backers have no rational answer, and seem to be blind to the facts and realities all over the globe where more and more people are gradually embracing the truth of the Holy Qur’an.
Whether the Zionists, the Swedes, the Danes, and the French admit it or not, the Revealed Words of God can never be obliterated, and on the contrary will one day prevail all over Planet Earth.
“He it is who has sent His Prophet with the guidance and the religion of truth, that He may make it prevail over all religions, though the polytheists should be averse.” (9:33)