
News ID: 116886
Publish Date : 05 July 2023 - 22:21

The 4th of July & Celebrations of Crimes Against Humanity

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
Day before yesterday there were celebrations throughout the US with fireworks at public places to the amusement of the children, to the unbridled pleasures of the few miserably rich holding depraved parties, and to sadistic thrill of Democrats and Republicans who take turns at the White House to worsen the plight of citizens at home and of people all over the world through sanctions, terrorism, wars and bloodshed.
To the average US citizen, however, whatever his/her colour of skin or social status, the 4th of July or the slogans of freedom, liberty, and independence associated with it, were meaningless.
The growing number of homeless persons all over the country had no reason to rejoice. Neither the day and its celebrations meant anything for black citizens of African origin, nor for the indigenous Americans who have been fortunate to survive the organized mass murders and genocide of the past 247 years since the 13 rebel colonies of New England founded the United States of America and then occupied the vast lands of the natives to the west before embarking overseas for enslaving the Hispanics and terrorizing the rest of the world.
To be frank, the so-called American Revolution that triumphed in a part of North America in 1783 with French help out of spite for the British, who did not care much for the rebellion of their own sons against the crown, since they were craftily pursuing bigger gains in faraway Subcontinent, was certainly not a war against colonialism, as it is made out to be. 
Those who were rebelling against the British were themselves colonizers of North America and who by then itself were forcefully colonizing native American territories and later systematically massacred the Amerindians by destroying the culture, religion, and all other values of the indigenous people or the so-called ‘redskins’.
Therefore, the 4th of July cannot be glorified as some kind of anti-colonial revolution. It is just a collection of European whites, many from England itself wanting (egoistically) to oust the British and take over.
As for the French, the Spanish, Portuguese and the Dutch, all of them were tyrannical colonizers from Europe who mistreated the indigenous Amerindian people and mercilessly killed millions of them.
The fact is that since Britain seemed to be the winner in this colonizing game in the New Word, the other European powers were jealous and whenever possible tried to hurt British domination. 
Therefore, the French alliance with the so called American revolutionaries cannot be considered as some kind of a noble gesture; it was purely self-interest based and a military strategy against Britain.
A reflection of today’s events with the US trying to asset global hegemony is proof of the fact that Washington has replaced London, or what used to be ‘Great Britain’, and hence the coining of the slogan “let us make America great again” by morally corrupt and intellectually bankrupt elements.
In other words, the US acts like the Britain of 1776 with a colonial mentality to control and conquer the world with the military occupation of scores of nations today and committing of crimes against humanity. 
And this explains the US support for the killing of Palestinians by the illegal Zionist entity, its abduction of four Iranian diplomats on July 4, 1982 in Lebanon and their possible death under torture, and last but not the least the criminal downing of the Iranian passenger plane on July 3 1988 by Washington.
This is how the US celebrates its so-called independence by committing more and more crimes against humanity.