
News ID: 115789
Publish Date : 06 June 2023 - 22:34

Advisor: Iran Not to Sign Nuclear Deal Until IAEA Closes All Files

TEHRAN - An advisor to Iran’s nuclear negotiating team says Tehran will not sign any agreement on the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal as long as the cases of dispute with the UN nuclear watchdog remain open.
In an interview with Al Mayadeen TV Channel, Seyyed Muhammad Marandi said the Western governments constantly lie about the Iranian nuclear activities, and this “has been proven.”
He said Washington’s policy in West Asia region is based on prolonged conflicts and sedition in favor of the Zionist regime.
The analyst, however, said the world today is undergoing change, while Washington’s power is declining, something that will automatically blunt the impact of the anti-Iran sanctions.
Iran has been locked in a dispute with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) over what the latter claims to be activities at “undeclared” nuclear sites in Iran.
Tehran rejects the claims and says such allegations stem from Zionist lies about Iran’s nuclear case.
The row with the IAEA has been one of the major stumbling blocks to the revitalization the 2015 nuclear deal, in addition to Washington’s failure to return to the agreement and remove its sanctions on Iran.
Meanwhile, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has recently closed one of the three cases of dispute over what the UN nuclear watchdog calls “undeclared” nuclear activities as a result of “better interactions” between the two sides.
Reports say that in the course of continued negotiations between the two sides, following a visit by IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi to Iran in March, the case related to one of the so-called “undeclared sites,” namely Abadeh, had been settled.