
News ID: 115776
Publish Date : 06 June 2023 - 22:33
Prince Harry Takes War to Court

UK Tabloid Editors Have ‘Blood on Their Hands’

LONDON (Newsweek) -- Prince Harry accused tabloid editors of having “blood on their hands” and said newspaper articles had “an impact on my life, the people around me, my mother in this case.”
The Duke of Sussex made history on Tuesday as he took the stand at the Royal Courts of Justice in London to give evidence in his phone-hacking lawsuit against Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN). It is the first time a senior royal has given evidence in court since 1891 and the first time ever that one has testified as the claimant in a modern civil litigation. The prince subjected himself to a day-and-a-half of cross-examination by a top barrister.
Harry accused the publisher of the Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror and Sunday People of publishing 147 articles containing information gained through unlawful means between 1996 and 2010.
Harry was asked in the witness box about a statement in which he denounced the media. The prince replied: “Blood on their hands specifically for the article in question? Some of the editors and journalists who are responsible for a lot of pain, upset in some cases, perhaps inadvertently death. I think that’s more broadly towards the tabloid press itself.
“Finding out about the unlawful methods, about the information of the article, how it was obtained, certainly shocked me,” Harry added. “Every single article has caused me distress.”
The duke’s comments came during testy exchanges with the MGN’s attorney over whether he remembered seeing the articles at the time they were published, including one printed when he was a child.
Andrew Green, attorney for the publisher, said that if Harry had no memory of the specific stories that make up the case, he could not know they caused him the emotional distress he has complained of.
“When I was going through them with my legal team, it certainly jogged memories,” the prince told the court. Harry added that the stories had a meaningful impact on his life as “friends at school, colleagues, their behavior inevitably changed around me.”
Among his allegations, Harry’s lawyers accused the Daily Mirror, under the editorship of Piers Morgan, of hacking Princess Diana’s phone to get a story about her meeting a celebrity friend, British TV personality Michael Barrymore.