
News ID: 114890
Publish Date : 09 May 2023 - 22:28
Iran’s Top General:

No Place for Outsiders in Regional Security Efforts

TEHRAN – The Chairman of Iran’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Muhammad Hussain Baqeri said on Tuesday that signs of the decline of the U.S. clout are obvious more than ever before and “we are confident that the new world order will no longer be unipolar.”
Addressing at the Academy for Strategic and Defense Studies of Oman during a visit to Muscat, Major General Baqeri highlighted the formation of a new world order and the failure of the U.S. to establish a unipolar system after dissolution of the Soviet Union, and added the signs of waning power of the U.S. have become obvious.
“We are confident that the new (world) order won’t be based on unipolar hegemony. One of the other features of the new order is that it will be a regional order,” Major General Baqeri stated.
Reaffirming Iran’s principled policy to support the formation of regional security arrangements without interference from extra-regional powers, the commander said the hegemonic powers have resorted to Iranophobia to obstruct such regional cooperation.
Turning the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman into the waters of friendship, progress and welfare for the regional people is achievable, the general said.
He also stressed the need for Muslim unity and fraternity to thwart foreign plots.
“We consider the main pillar of assuring security to be the indigenous nature of regional security which involves the participation of all regional countries and whose mechanism excludes any foreign power’s interference,” he stated.
In April 2020, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei highlighted the key role that Iran plays in maintaining security in the Persian Gulf, saying the presence of foreigners jeopardizes any initiative that could benefit regional people.
Iranian officials maintain that the security of the Persian Gulf region comes within the purview of the regional countries alone, dismissing the US claim of seeking security in the region.