
News ID: 114189
Publish Date : 19 April 2023 - 22:01

Army, IRGC Reiterate Solidarity to Protect Iran

TEHRAN – The commanders of the Iranian army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps on Wednesday underlined the unshakable solidarity and coordination between their forces in ensuring Iran’s security and foiling hostile plots and threats.
IRGC commander Major General Hussein Salami and a number of other senior IRGC generals met Army chief Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi on the occasion of the National Army Day.
Salami described the IRGC and the army as two sturdy pillars of Iran’s defense power, saying the two forces’ integrity, solidarity, unity, cordial interaction and unbreakable fraternity signify the Islamic Republic’s great military power that paves the way for victory over the enemies.
Gen. Mousavi, for his part, lauded the unparalleled rapport between the army and the IRGC. He said while the enemy has mounted pressures and resorted to psychological war in order to create division, such unity among the Iranian Armed Forces has thwarted the enemy’s plots and frustrated its hopes.
The commander also pointed to the army’s great advances, saying its young experts have managed to design and manufacture all types of defense equipment inside the country.
In a meeting with a group of top military commanders here Sunday, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei called on the Iranian armed forces to keep enhancing their preparedness in all areas and do not cease making progress because the threats of the enemies will never fade away.
Meanwhile, Iranian navy chief Rear Admiral Shahram Irani said his force has employed new unmanned aerial vehicles designed and manufactured domestically to detect and destroy hostile vessels and submarines.
Irani made the remarks in an interview with Tasnim news agency, during which he talked about the Islamic Republic’s latest progress in the field of drone production.
He said the drone uses a homegrown sonar system and other domestically-developed equipment to stalk and hunt submarines.
The commander noted that the new unmanned aerial vehicle is currently in service in the Iranian navy.
On Tuesday, the Islamic Republic of Iran Army units unveiled a broad range of advanced gear such as homegrown missiles, tanks, armored vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, radar systems and air defense missile systems in a military parade marking the National Army Day.
Four divisions of the Iranian army, namely the ground force, the navy, the air force, and the air defense, held military parades on Tuesday in the presence of President Ebrahim Raisi in Tehran.

Among the major achievements put on display during the parade was Mohajer-6 drone, which is capable of carrying guided bombs and sophisticated surveillance equipment. It has already been used in combat by the Iranian Armed Forces.
Iran’s first wide-body unmanned combat aerial vehicle, Kaman 22, was also unveiled, along with Iranian suicide drones such as Arash, Kian and Karrar, which could be flown from both ground and offshore launchers.
Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, the deputy chief of the Iranian Army for Coordination, said Iran’s armed forces enjoy high level of self-sufficiency in manufacturing military equipment, promising to deliver “good news” in the field of drones in the near future.  
“As per the Constitution, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Army has the mission to defend the territorial integrity, and safeguard and preserve the independence of the country,” Sayyari told the reporters.
Sayyari said the entire set of military equipment that was displayed in the parade on Tuesday is indigenous and features cutting-edge technologies.
He said the army’s self-sufficiency has reached 90%.