
News ID: 113634
Publish Date : 03 April 2023 - 22:27

UK Teachers Reject Pay Offer, Announce Strike

LONDON (Reuters) -- Teachers in England have overwhelmingly rejected a pay offer from the British government aimed at ending a series of disruptive strikes, their trade union said on Monday, announcing two further days of walkouts.
The National Education Union, Britain’s largest education union, said 98% of teachers who voted in the ballot followed its advice to reject the offer of a one-off payment this year of 1,000 pounds and an average pay rise of 4.5% in the next financial year.
“This resounding rejection of the government’s offer should leave (education minister) Gillian Keegan in no doubt that she will need to come back to the negotiating table with a much better proposal,” NEU joint General Secretaries Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney said in a statement.
Tens of thousands of teachers across Britain have taken strike action this year in demand of an above-inflation pay award, leaving classrooms empty and heaping pressure on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to help resolve the dispute.
The union said teachers would take two further days of strike action, on April 27 and May 2.
“It is extremely disappointing that the NEU have called more strike action,” Keegan said in a statement.
She also signaled the government did not intend to negotiate further: “Pay will now be decided by the independent pay review body which will recommend pay rises for next year.”
The government has argued that higher pay rises would only worsen inflation.
Teachers in Wales have ended their strike action after voting to accept a pay offer comprising an additional 3% pay award for 2022/23 alongside a 1.5% one-off payment, and a government-funded 5% rise for the following year.
Scotland’s largest teaching union has also accepted a pay deal to end long-running strikes, which it said would amount to a 14.6% increase in pay for most teachers by January 2024.
Europe is bracing for another round of strikes affecting airlines ahead of a busy Easter travel season, as the number of passengers travelling globally recovers to pre-pandemic levels.
Since last summer, strikes and staff shortages have forced European airlines to cancel thousands of flights to avoid long queues at major airports, and some disruptions persist.
British Airways reduced its flight schedule due to planned strikes by London Heathrow

 airport employees during the Easter holiday weekend.
Ryanair expected cancellations or delays on flights to and from France between March 30 and April 8 due to ongoing French air traffic control strikes.
Strikes at Duesseldorf, Cologne/Bonn, Stuttgart and Baden-Baden led to the cancellation of hundreds of flights on March 17.
Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg airports cancelled all commercial flights due to strike action on March 13.
EasyJet Plc cabin staff in Portugal completed a three-day strike that started on April 1 to demand higher wages to compensate for the soaring cost of living
Pilots for Spanish airline Iberia Regional Air Nostrum voted to go on indefinite strike amid a wage dispute with the company.
Air Nostrum said pilots called for a strike every Monday and Friday from Feb 27.
Swissport handling workers called for a 24-hour strike from Feb. 27 until April 13 every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 17 Spanish airports, UGT union said.
Iberia, IAG’s Spanish airline, planned to hire a total of 2,145 staff in the first half of the year to be able to handle the Easter travel rush and the summer season.
In Italy, ITA Airways averted strikes after a undisclosed wage increase accord with unions in end-February.