
News ID: 113631
Publish Date : 03 April 2023 - 22:25

Funeral Procession Held for Iranian Advisors in Syria

DAMASCUS (Dispatches) -- A funeral procession has been held in Syria for two Iranian military advisors, who were martyred in an airstrike by the occupying regime of Israel on the country last week.
The funeral ceremony for Milad Heidari and Meghdad Mahghani was held in the shrines of Hazrat Zeinab, granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad, and her niece Hazrat Roghayeh, in Damascus, two holy shrines.
Both martyrs are former advisors of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in Syria. They were at a base near Damascus, when an Israeli airstrike hit the site.
The attack martyred Heidari on the spot and left Mahghani with critical injuries that led to his martyrdom on Saturday.
Government spokesman Ali Bahadori vowed revenge, saying that the usurping entity’s terrorist acts “will not go unanswered.”
In a post on his Twitter account, Bahadori Jahromi said the Zionist regime is used to carry out acts of terror in a bid to divert the public from its internal crises.
“The Zionist regime and other terrorist states have the habit of carrying out terrorist acts abroad at critical times in order to deflect public attention and not let the depth of their domestic problems be revealed,” he wrote. “Terrorist acts will not go unanswered.”
The occupying regime’s fatal air raids in Syria came at a time of mass protests against prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s now-delayed plans to overhaul the judiciary, which undermines the supreme court, weakens judicial oversight over policymaking, and gives the party in power – currently Likud – greater authority.
Known as one of the main supporters of terrorist groups that have battled the government of President Bashar al-Assad since foreign-backed militancy erupted in Syria in early 2011, the Zionist regime frequently violates Syrian sovereignty and conducts attacks in the Arab country.
The targets usually include residential buildings. Military positions especially those of the Hezbollah resistance movement, which has played a key role in helping the Syrian army in its fight against foreign-backed terrorists, are also frequently hit by Israeli strikes.
The occupying regime of Israel largely remains silent about the attacks. Damascus has repeatedly complained to the UN over the assaults, urging the Security Council to take action against Tel Aviv’s crimes. The calls have, however, fallen on deaf ears.
Iran maintains an advisory mission in the Arab country, helping it in the face of foreign-backed terrorism. Back in 2017, the advisory assistance helped Syria vanquish the takfiri terrorist group of Daesh.