
News ID: 113123
Publish Date : 05 March 2023 - 21:55

Observances for the Blessed Eve of Mid Sha’ban

(Seyyed Ali Quli Qara’i – Translator of the holy Qur’an and “Mafatih al-Jinaan”)

We are on the threshold of the auspicious 15th of Sha’ban, for which certain rituals are prescribed. It is also the eve on the dawn of which the 12th and Last Infallible Heir of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA), Imam Mahdi al-Qa’em (AS), who will reappear in the end times to fill the Earth with peace, prosperity, and justice, was born in Samarra, in 255 AH. The Prophet’s 6th Infallible Heir, Imam Ja’far as-Sadeq (AS) says that his father, Imam Muhammad Baqer (AS) when asked about the excellence of this night, replied:
“It is the best of nights after the Night of Qadr. During it, God Almighty confers His Grace on His servants and forgives them out of His Favour and Munificence. Therefore, try earnestly to obtain nearness to God during the course of this night. Indeed it is a night wherein God has sworn by His Sacred Being not to turn away empty-handed any supplicant from His Threshold, unless something sinful is requested. It is a night which God Almighty has decreed for us, the progeny of the Prophet, in the same way that He decreed the Night of Qadr for our Prophet. Therefore, apply yourself to celebrating His praise and supplicating Him this night.”
First, one should perform a bath, an act which leads to remission of sins. Second, observe the night’s vigil while engaging in prayer, supplication and “istighfar” (seeking forgiveness from the Lord Most High), as was the practice of the Prophet’s 4th Infallible Heir, Imam Zain al-Abedin (AS). It is stated in a hadith that whoever keeps vigil during this night, his heart shall not die on the day when the hearts die.
The Third highly recommended act for the mid Sha’ban eve is performance of the “ziyarah” of the Martyr of Karbala, Imam Husain (AS). This is the most meritorious of observances and an effective means for forgiveness of sins. It has been said that whoever wishes to shake hands with the spirits of the 124,000 prophets, should perform the “ziyarah” of Imam Husain (AS) this night (in Karbala). The least one can do is to ascend the roof of the house, cast a glance to the right and the left, raise the head toward the sky and greet the Imam with the following words: “O Abu Abdullah, peace upon you! Peace upon you, and may Allah’s mercy and His blessings be upon you!”
Whoever does this, at whatever time and regardless of his location, there shall be written for him/her the reward of a Hajj pilgrimage and an Umrah. According to Imam Sadeq (AS) the following supplication is meant for this night:
“O’ Allah, You are the Living One, the All-Sustainer, the All-Exalted, the All-Great, the All-Creator, the All-Provider, the Giver of life and the Causer of death, the Beginner, and the Originator. To You belong all glory, grace, and praise, and to You belong all favours, generosity, munificence, command, majesty, and gratitude! You are One and Only, without any partner! O’ the Single, O’ the One, O’ the All-Embracing, O’ You Who neither begat, nor were begotten, nor have You any equal!
“Bless Muhammad and the Progeny of Muhammad. Forgive me and have mercy upon me. Suffice me concerning that which is of concern to me, (help me) pay my debts, and expand for me Your provision, for You resolve every vital matter on this night, and provide any of Your creatures that You wish! So provide me, as You are the Best of providers! Indeed You have said, and You are the Best of speakers, “Ask Allah for His grace.” So I beseech You for Your grace, having turned toward You, putting my trust in the son of Your Prophet, I place my hopes in You! So have mercy on me, O’ Most Merciful of the merciful!”
Here is another supplication for this night quoted from Prophet Muhammad (SAWA):
“O’ Allah, grant us a share of Your Awe that may serve as a barrier between us and disobedience to You. Grant us a share of Your Obedience that will enable us to attain Your approval. Grant us a share of certitude that may enable us to bear with ease the afflictions of this world! O’ Allah, grant us to enjoy the benefit of hearing, sight and strength, as long as You keep us alive… Help us against those who are hostile to us, and do not let our afflictions affect our religion. Do not make mundane concerns our biggest worry… Do not impose on us the one who will show no pity; by Your mercy, O’ Most Merciful of the merciful!”
The following supplication is tantamount to performing the “ziyarah” of the Lord of the Age, Imam Mahdi (AS) – may Allah hasten his reappearance.
“O’Allah, for the sake of this night and for the sake of him who was born in it, Your Testament and the Promised Saviour (by virtue of whose birth) You have added to its merit, thus fulfilling Your Word, truly and justly. There is none who can change Your Words or repeal Your Signs. He is Your Brilliant Light, Your Shining Radiance, the Banner of light in the pitch-dark night, who is concealed and is in occultation. Exalted is his birthday and honoured is his lineage. The angels are his assistants, and God is his Supporter… He is the Sword of Allah that never misses its aim, and His Light that never grows dim. He is the gentle one who never deviates. (The Imams are) the axis of the age, the spirits of the era, the guardians of Divine Sovereignty, the destinations of that which comes down in the Night of Ordainment, the superiors at Resurrection, the interpreters of His Revelations, and the guardians of His Commands and Prohibitions. O’ Allah, bless their Seal and their Qa’em, who is concealed from their realms. O’ Allah, enable us to witness his days, his appearance and his rising, and appoint us to be among his helpers, avenging the martyrs alongside him. Write us among his supporters and dedicated friends; bring us to life in his reign, prosperous, enriched by his company, defending his cause, and secure from all ills, O’ Most Merciful of the merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, and may His Blessings be on our master, Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and Envoys, and on the truthful members of his household and blessed progeny. (O’ God), may Your Curse be on all oppressors; judge between us and them, O Fairest of all judges.”

   Among observances of this blessed night are the special “salawaat” from Imam Zain al-Abedin (AS) that is recited daily in this month at the time of noon. It is also highly recommended to recite on this night the Du’a Kumail, the famous supplication taught by the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS), to his disciple Kumail ibn Ziyad, which is indeed an eloquently moving petition in the Divine Court that opens up the doors of mercy for the suppliants. Abu Yahya narrates: “I asked my master Imam Ja’far Sadeq (AS) about the best supplication for this night. He replied: “After offering the Isha Prayer, perform two raka’ahs with “Surat al-Hamd” and “Surat al-Kaferoun” in the first, and “al-Hamd” and “Surat at-Tawhid” in the second. After salaam, say “Subhan-Allah” (Glory to God) 33 times, “al-Hamdu lillah” (Praised be Allah) 33 times, and “Allahu Akbar” (God is Greatest) 34 times. 
Then recite this supplication: “O’ You, Who are the Refuge of Your servants in exigencies and with whom the creatures take shelter in misfortunes! O’ Knower of all that is open and hidden! O’ You from Whom are not hidden the thoughts that pass in the minds and their unrestrained ideas! O’ Lord of the creatures and the earth’s denizens! O’ You in Whose Power is the dominion of all the heavens and the earths! You are Allah, there is no god besides You, and I turn to You for there is no god besides You! O’ You besides whom there is no god, appoint me this night among those at whom You look and have mercy on them, listen to their supplications and answer them, and knowing their failings You forgive them, and overlook their past errors and major offences. For with You do I seek refuge from my sins and with You do I take shelter for covering my defects! O’ Allah, be Generous to me out of Your Magnanimity and relieve me of my misdeeds with Your Forbearance and Pardon! Enfold me this night in Your Abounding Magnanimity and appoint me therein among Your protégés, whom You have chosen for Your obedience and elected for Your worship, making them Your dedicated servants and elect! O’ Allah, appoint me to be among those whose efforts prosper, whose share of good deeds is plentiful, and appoint me among the blameless and the blessed, the triumphant and the felicitous. Save me from the evil of my past conduct, and preserve me from advancing in deeds of disobedience to You! Endear me to Your obedience and what brings me near to You and enables me to draw close to You! My Master, those who flee take refuge in You and those who are seekers entreat You, and those who repent from their sins trust Your Magnanimity! You have educated Your servants by honouring them, and You are the Most Munificent of the munificent! You have commanded Your servants to pardon, and You are the All-Forgiving and the All-Merciful! O’ Allah, do not deprive me of my hope in Your Magnanimity; do not disappoint my hope in Your Abounding Blessings; do not disappoint me from Your generous dispensations in this night meant for those who obey You, and shield me from the evil ones from amongst Your creatures! My Lord, if I am not worthy of that, You are surely Magnanimous and worthy to pardon and forgive! Be Generous to me by virtue of that which is worthy of You, not for reason of what I deserve! I certainly have a good opinion of You, a convinced hope in You, and my soul clings to Your Magnanimity, for indeed You are the Most Merciful of the merciful and the Most Munificent of the munificent! O’ Allah, assign to me a handsome share of Your Munificence! I seek protection in Your Pardon from Your Punishment. Forgive me the sins that make me wretched and tighten my provision, so that I may be enable to earn the best of Your Approval, be blessed with the plenty of Your Gifts, and prosper with Your Abounding Blessings. For indeed I have taken refuge in Your Sanctuary, presented myself for Your Munificence, sought protection in Your Pardon from Your Punishment, and in Your Forbearance from Your Wrath! So grant me generously what I have asked You and give what I have requested You! I beseech You by You, and there is nothing greater than You!”
“Then bow down in prostration and say: “Ya Rabb” 20 times, “Ya Allah” 7 times, “la hawla wa la quwwata illah-billah” 7 times, “Masha’ Allah” 10 times, and “la quwwata illa-billah” 10 times. Then invoke “salawaat” or blessings on the Prophet and his Progeny. Then make your petition. By God, should you make petitions as numerous as the drops of rain, God, Almighty and Glorious, will answer them by virtue of this observance out of His boundless Grace and Munificence!”