
News ID: 112152
Publish Date : 06 February 2023 - 22:28

Bahrainis, Sudanese Protest Normalization With Zionist Regime

MANAMA (Dispatches) –
People have staged demonstrations in Bahrain and Sudan to voice their support for Palestinians and their struggle and protest against the normalization of ties with the Zionist regime.
Bahrainis held rallies in the villages of Diraz and al-Markh, where they denounced the occupying regime’s military over rising violence in the occupied West Bank and East Al-Quds and the sharp increase in the number of Palestinians killed.
They also reiterated their support for the Palestinian nation and their resistance against the occupation.
Last month, Bahrain’s Al Khalifah regime dispatched a “security” delegation to the Israeli-occupied territories, amid outrage among the public in the Persian Gulf kingdom over normalization with the Zionist regime.
Bahrainis have repeatedly expressed their opposition to the normalization of ties with the Zionist regime by holding demonstrations.
Bahrain’s main opposition group al-Wefaq and the kingdom’s top cleric Sheikh Isa Qassim have also repeatedly condemned the normalization move made by the Al Khalifah dynasty.
Meanwhile, Sudanese protesters have also staged a mass rally to express their outrage and reject the North African country’s decision to move forward with normalization of ties with the Zionist regime.
During a visit by the occupying regime’s foreign minister Eli Cohen to Khartoum on Thursday, the regime and Sudan announced the finalization of a deal to normalize their bilateral relations.
“It has been agreed to move forward towards the normalization of relations,” the Sudanese foreign ministry said after a meeting between Cohen and his Sudanese counterpart Ali al-Sadiq.
On Sunday evening, Sudanese demonstrators took to the streets in central Khartoum, chanting slogans against Cohen’s visit and condemning normalization.
They shouted “No peace, no negotiation, no recognition,” “Al-Quds is ours,” and “Normalization is treason.”
Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates signed U.S.-brokered normalization agreements with the Zionist regime in an event in Washington in September 2020.
Sudan and Morocco followed suit later in the year and inked similar U.S.-brokered normalization deals with the occupying regime.
The move sparked widespread condemnations from the Palestinians as well as nations and human rights advocates across the globe, especially within the Muslim world.
Palestinians slammed the deals as a treacherous “stab in the back” and a betrayal of their cause against the decades-long occupation of Palestinian territories. Palestinians are seeking an independent state in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip with East Al-Quds as its capital.