
News ID: 111650
Publish Date : 23 January 2023 - 21:44

Iraqi PM Replaces Central Bank Governor Over Currency Drop

BAGHDAD (AP/MEMO) – Iraq’s prime minister on Monday replaced the governor of the country’s Central Bank following a weeks-long plunge of the Iraqi dinar, the state news agency reported.
Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani made the move after the governor, Mustafa Ghaleb Mukheef, told him he no longer wishes to stay in the job, the Iraqi News Agency said. Mukheef, who was in the post since 2020, was replaced by Muhsen al-Allaq, the agency added.
Al-Allaq, a former central bank governor, was named “acting governor,” an indication it could be a temporary posting.
The dinar hit new lows on Friday, reaching about 1,670 to the dollar. The currency has lost nearly 7% of its value since mid-November. The official rate stands at 1,470 dinars to the dollar.
The drop in the past two months has affected markets in the oil-rich but corruption-plagued Iraq, where many are seeing their purchasing power take a hit.
Some politicians in Iraq have blamed the drop on recent measures by the U.S. Treasury. The United States has sanctioned several Iraqi banks dealing mainly with Iran, which is under Americans sanctions, amid concerns that hard currency is being routed from Iraq to Iran. Late last year, the Federal Reserve began taking measures on transactions to slow the flow of dollars into Iraq.
The drop comes at a time when Iraq’s foreign currency reserves are standing at a record high of around $100 billion.
In nearby Lebanon, mired in the worst economic crisis in its modern history, five European countries are probing the embattled Central Bank governor, Riad Salameh, on allegations of laundering public money in Europe. Switzerland first opened a probe two years ago, followed by France, Germany, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein.
In another development, an Iraqi court sentenced on Sunday the assistant director of Al-Rafidain Bank/Al-Khalidiya branch to 15 years in prison and a fine of $10 million over embezzlement of millions of U.S. dollars from the bank’s accounts.
The Iraqi Federal Commission of Integrity (COI) said in a statement that the assistant had “embezzled and transferred the stolen amounts from the Rafidain Bank funds.”
She used the stolen funds to buy shares in two properties and registered the first one which is worth $6,800,000 in her daughter’s name while the second property, which is worth $1,248,000 was registered in her name, according to the same source.
The court has also decided to confiscate the shares in the two properties and return them to the Rafidain Bank, noting that $605,608 and 9,500,000 Iraqi dinars were returned to the bank.