
News ID: 111018
Publish Date : 07 January 2023 - 21:49

Media: U.S. Prohibits Zionist Pilots From Flying F-35 Jets

WASHINGTON (Dispatches) – Israeli media have reported that the U.S. Department of Defense and intelligence authorities are preventing Zionist pilots from flying F-35 fighter jets, fearing information technology leaks.
Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post said that this came as a result of the U.S. increasing focus on information security and safeguarding its interests.
The Israeli Air Force, the newspaper reported, accepted this U.S. decision and stopped assigning pilots to F-35 Adir aircraft.
The Adir fighter jet is a single-seater, multi-mission stealth plane that can be used for intelligence gathering and attack missions.
It is also the only fighter jet with a compartment for storing untraceable weaponry.
Each F-35 Adir fighter jet costs between $85 million and $100 million.
Meanwhile, U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has called on Washington to stop its support for the apartheid Zionist regime, amid rising tensions across the occupied territories.
The first Palestinian-American woman ever elected to the chamber made the remarks in a post on Twitter, stressing, “Congress must stop funding apartheid.”
She further noted that 2022 was one of the deadliest years for Palestinians, adding that Zionist troops and settlers killed more than 200 Palestinians, including more than 50 children, last year.
Tlaib further took aim at the regime’s new far-right cabinet for its plans to forcibly displace over 1,000 Palestinians in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern occupied West Bank.
“Just days after the new Israeli regime is sworn in, families in Masafer Yatta are already facing more ethnic cleansing,” she said.
“The Israeli military’s ongoing expulsion of Masafer Yatta residents will now be accelerated at an even faster rate. Don’t look away. Save Masafer Yatta,” the congresswoman added.
“Even one week into 2023, the new right-wing apartheid regime is moving to ethnically cleanse entire communities, which will displace over 1,000 Palestinians, including 500 children,” she said.

‘Explosive-Laden Drones Against Palestinians’

In another report by an Israeli newspaper, the Zionist regime’s army has used drones capable of carrying gas canisters and bombs in attacks against Palestinians.
The Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, citing a senior military officer, said the army has developed these drones to be able to fire grenades and tear gas canisters.
The officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the drones are capable of attacking their targets, even inside their homes.
According to the newspaper, the drones are being used by the Zionist ground forces as well as in carrying out clandestine missions against Palestinians.
There was no Palestinian comment on the report.
In September 2022, the occupying regime’s army chief of staff said he gave the green-light to use armed drones in carrying out assassination missions in the West Bank.