
News ID: 110129
Publish Date : 13 December 2022 - 21:39


Dear youngsters, could you answer the following questions.
1. I am lighter than air but a hundred people cannot lift me. Careful, I am fragile. What am I?
2. I am the type of room you cannot enter or leave. Raise from the ground below. I could be poisonous or a delicious treat. What am I?
3. The more you take of me, the more you leave behind. What am I?
4. I go up and never come down no matter how hard you wish. As I get higher, more wrinkles crawl on to the face. What am I?
5. I can be long or short. I can be grown or bought. I can be painted or left bare. My tip can be round or square. (One word) What am I?
6. I have a neck and no head, two arms but no hands. I am with you to school; I am with you to work. What am I?

Answers to last week’s edition:
1. Screw
2. Water
3. Cloud
4. Potato
5. Fire
6. Pea