
News ID: 109690
Publish Date : 03 December 2022 - 21:44

China Censures ‘Illegal’ U.S. Troops, Smuggling of Oil, Grain in Syria

DAMASCUS (Dispatches) – China has denounced as “illegal” the U.S. stationing of troops in Syria and the smuggling of oil and grain from the war-torn Arab country.
Media reports say the U.S. occupation forces have sent 54 oil-laden tankers from northeastern Syria to their bases in northern Iraq.
Some Syrians reportedly said “what the U.S. troops did leaves them struggling to survive winter,” according to Chinese Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson Zhao Lijian.
“The U.S. stationing of troops in Syria is illegal. The U.S. smuggling of oil and grain from Syria is illegal. The U.S. missile attack against Syria is also illegal,” Zhao told reporters.
He cited official data from the Syrian government that between 2011 and the first half of 2022, the U.S. smuggling activities have cost Syria more than 100 billion dollars of losses.
Zhao said the United States keeps violating international laws and rules, and yet claims to be a champion of what it calls “the rules-based international order.”
He added that when Washington talks about “rules,” it is often just trying to find a pretext for serving its own interest and perpetuating its hegemony.
The spokesperson quoted the former French ambassador to the United States, Gerard Araud, among others, as saying, “the Americans basically want to do whatever they want, including when it is against international law, as they define it, they do it.”
“We believe the international community is not blind to this and will treat it with vigilance,” Zhao said.
U.S. military trucks and tankers frequently carry tons of grain and crude oil from the northeastern Syrian province of Hasakah to the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region in northern Iraq as part of Washington’s systematic smuggling of basic commodities out of Syria.
The U.S. military has for long stationed its forces and equipment in northeastern Syria, with the Pentagon claiming that the deployment is aimed at preventing the oilfields in the area from falling into the hands of Daesh terrorists.
Damascus, however, maintains the deployment is meant to plunder the country’s natural resources. Former U.S. President Donald Trump admitted on several occasions that American forces were in the Arab country for its oil wealth.
On September 21, China called on the United States to stop plundering Syria’s national resources and respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Arab country. China’s Foreign Ministry also said the U.S. government has a duty to investigate robberies committed by intervening military forces, as well as to compensate for the damages caused.