Multimillion Rallies Defeat US Plot
By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
Was it planned rioting, or a crude and clumsy attempt to create disturbance in a few localities of Tehran and some other cities through treasonous elements and thugs with proven criminal record?
What led the American-European imperialists, and the Zionists to rashly order their mercenaries to indulge in violence, arson, plunder, murder, and other acts of vandalism, such as attacks on mosques, burning of copies of the Holy Qur’an, and snatching of veils of decent passerby ladies, as their own characterless women danced obscenely without headscarves while uttering blasphemous slogans?
These are some of the questions doing rounds on the social circuits and in the cultural corridors of the free world regarding yet another disgraceful failure of the sworn enemies of the Iranian people to try to pressure the Islamic Republic into renewing the US-breached JCPOA on the terms of the West without removal of the illegal sanctions, so as to deprive Iran of its inalienable right to further enrich uranium for peaceful purpose.
Whatever the cause, the plot failed to tarnish the Islamic Republic’s image and instead fully exposed to the dedicated Iranian masses the 5th column, which tried in vain to inflict socio-economic damage on the country, deluded by the unrealistic dream of turning Iran into a US satellite, where Tehran would no longer be the centre of national administration and the control room would be in Tel Aviv.
As observers point out the real reason the US and its comrades-in-crimes made a wild swipe in disturbing peace and order in Iran, was the spectacular success of its Islamic revolutionary culture around the world, as borne out by the now famous transnational anthem “Salaam Farmandeh” (Salute to the Commander), which translated into all major world languages echoed around the globe and began to be ritually sung by Muslim schoolchildren in the US itself – to the horror of the hypocrites and other archenemies of the Islamic Republic.
Then there were the grand road rallies for the first time after the Coronavirus in Tehran and other towns and cities on the Ghadeer anniversary (proclamation by Prophet Muhammad [SAWA] of Imam Ali [AS] as Vicegerent on Divine Orders) to renew allegiance to the fundamental principle of Islam – attended in the capital by over three million faithful men, women, and children.
Soon the mourning season of Muharram and Safar commenced with scores of millions all over the country commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Husain (AS), organizing “nazri” or food for devotees and the have-nots of the society on a national scale, and making arrangements for participation in the grand Arba’een pilgrimage to Holy Karbala in Iraq, with the target for Iranians set at 5 million.
The US was flabbergasted and tried to exploit the power vacuum in Iraq in a bid to plunge the country into a civil strife between Shi’a Muslims, but after some sporadic cases of violence, mainly in the green zone in Baghdad, it saw its plot vapourize when wisdom prevailed over the two rival groups to avert any untoward incidents on the eve of Arba’een.
A record 21 million pilgrims, including four million-plus Iranians, streamed to Karbala in a peaceful manner in an atmosphere of brotherhood with the ever-hospitable Iraqi people, while those who couldn’t make the journey organized million-strong marches in Tehran and other towns and cities on the day of Arba’een to show their devotion to Islam and the Islamic Republic.
This horrified the US and taking advantage of the stray incident of a girl dying from natural causes in a hospital following routine questioning in the usual gentle manner by policewomen, it ordered a bunch of thugs, terrorists, traitors, and agnostic tricksters, accompanied by some characterless women bearing their heads in public to indulge in acts of arson, looting, murder, desecration of religious places, burning of headscarves and shouting blasphemous slogans in the most idiotic bid to undermine the sacred foundations of Islamic Iran.
It was but natural for the rowdies to retreat to their rat-holes after a few days of vandalism and spree of murder of the innocents, especially after the multimillion rallies staged by the faithful men and women throughout the country on several occasions, including after the Friday Prayers; the last days of Safar to bid farewell to the mourning months; the renewal of allegiance to the Lord of the Age, Imam Mahdi (AS) on the day of the beginning of his Divine mission which will culminate in establishment of the global government of peace, prosperity, and justice; and last but not the least the massive nationwide rallies a couple of days ago on the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) and climax of the Islamic Unity Week.
These grand demonstrations have indeed broken the backs of the agnostics and the apostates and once again proved to the world that Iran and the Iranian people steadfastly adhere to the dynamic teachings of the Holy Qur’an.
Thus, the recent scattered incidents of rioting which the fugitives from justice on the payroll of the CIA, Mossad, and reactionary Arab regimes back from their bases in the West, has taught the faithful legions as well as the police and other security forces (famous for their leniency in contrast to the brutalities of their counterparts in the US and many other countries) to speed up ideological-cultural efforts to help absorb in the national mainstream the few youngsters misled by enemy propaganda, but with decisive punishment for the unrepentant offenders.