
News ID: 105145
Publish Date : 26 July 2022 - 21:58


Dear youngsters, could you answer the following questions.
1. My first is second in line; I send shivers up your spine; not quite shining bright I glitter in the light. What am I? 
2. I can be repeated but rarely in the same way. I can’t be changed but can be rewritten. I can be passed down, but should not be forgotten. What am I? 
3. I am a red drum which sound without being touched, and grow silent, when I am touched. What am I? 
4. I run smoother than any rhyme, I love to fall but cannot climb. What am I? 
5. I help engines spin and pants stay up. What am I? 
6. There is one in every corner and two in every room. What am I? 
Answers to last week’s edition:
1. Cloud
2. Musician
3. Bulldog
4. Teddy Bear
5. Pearl
6. Noise