
News ID: 104899
Publish Date : 19 July 2022 - 22:15

Definition of the Prophet’s Divinely-Designated Heirs

By: Seyyed Ali Shahbaz
“Soon I shall turn away from My signs those who are unduly arrogant in the earth; [even] though they should see every sign, they will not believe in it, and if they see the way of rectitude they will not take it as [their] way, and if they see the way of error they will take it as [their] way. That is because they deny Our signs and are oblivious to them.” (Holy Qur’an 7:146)
The faithful continue to bask in the blessings of the Grand Event of Ghadeer-Khom which is still being celebrated two days after its anniversary, since Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) had stayed three consecutive days at this place near Juhfa for completion of the formality of allegiance from the huge gathering of 120,000 Hajj pilgrims taking turns to felicitate his Divinely-designated successor, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS).
The above-mentioned Words of the Almighty Creator are a clear pointer to the deviationists, whether those present at Ghadeer-Khom or whether they came long after that event and continue to act seditiously in our own times by denying the manifest truth and choosing the path of error by usurping the position of others.
One such usurper was the Abbasid tyrant Haroun, who once boastfully showed his illegally-built palace to the 7th Heir of the Divine-proclamation of Ghadeer-Khom, Imam Musa al-Kazem (AS), and asked his opinion of the owner of such an apparently magnificent building.
The Imam, without being the least impressed, replied: “This appears to be the home of a corrupt person. It is about such persons God Almighty has said in the Qur’an.” 
And then he recited Ayah 146 of Surah A’raaf, on hearing which the self-styled caliph became so incensed that he lost his composure.
Today the 20th of Dhu’l-Hijjah which is associated with Imam Kazem (AS), and according to a version is his birthday in the year 128 AH, is an opportunity to focus on the vain attempts of the debauched hero of the Arabian Nights fantasies, to try to confront the Prophet’s Rightful Successor, and lose his own face. 
One such incident was in Medina at the Prophet’s shrine, where to deceive the people Haroun saluted the sacred tomb with the words: Greetings to you O Messenger of God; greetings to you O Cousin.”
Soon Imam Musa Kazem (AS) entered the holy shrine and saluted the Prophet’s tomb with the words: “Greetings to you O Messenger of God; greetings to you O Grandfather.” 
The tyrant was dumbfounded and hurriedly left the Prophet’s Mosque, terrified that the people were becoming more and more aware of the real and legitimate heirs of the Seal of Messengers, whose imamate was based on God Almighty’s commandment at Ghadeer-Khom to publicly announce to the whole Ummah the position of Imam Ali (AS) as Vicegerent.
Yet, the usurpers, always fearful of the spiritual and political legitimacy of the Ahl al-Bayt, tried to torment the legal successors of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA).
This same infamous Haroun had forcibly brought Imam Kazem (AS) to his court and trying to undermine the Divine designation at Ghadeer-Khom asked him: how could Imam Ali (AS) be the Heir of his cousin the Prophet, while their common uncle, Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttaleb – the ancestor of the Abbasids – was alive?
The 7th Imam, without mentioning any of the innumerable virtues and services of Imam Ali (AS) to Islam right from the start of the Prophet’s universal mission of Islam, calmly drew attention to Ayah 72 of Surah Anfaal, which reads: “The believers who did not leave their homes are not your guardians…” 
He then reminded Haroun that Imam Ali (AS) – after risking his life and limb on volunteering to sleep on the Prophet’s bed on the night of migration so that the latter could leave Mecca undetected for Medina – quickly joined him in migration, while Abbas did not do and stayed behind. 
So blind was Haroun to the manifest truth of Islam and the holy Qur’an that he posed the question as to why the Ahl al-Bayt call themselves the offspring of the Prophet, while Hazrat Fatema Zahra (SA) was a daughter and not a son?
In answer, Imam Kazem (AS) gave further proof of his authority by pointing to Ayahs of the holy Qur’an that refer to Prophet Jesus as the offspring of Prophet Abraham when he had no father and was connected only through his mother Mary.
Then the Imam recited Ayah 42 of Surah Aal-e Imran that extols the virtues of the Virgin Mary, and said: 
“Likewise, our Lord chose Fatema (SA), purified her (as is evident by Ayah 33 of Surah Ahzaab), and gave her distinction over all women – of all times including Mary – through (sons) Imam Hasan and Imam Husain (peace upon them), the Masters of the Youth of Paradise.”
Today, Imam Musa al-Kazem (AS) reigns supreme all over the world from Baghdad, the capital of his murderer Haroun, whose rotten bones lie at the feet of the holy shrine of his victim’s heir, Imam Reza (AS), in Mashhad, with pilgrims cursing the Abbasid usurper – in confirmation of Ayah 146 of Surah A’raaf on the miserable fate of those who turn away from the manifest truth and chose the path of error.
In conclusion, I draw attention to a supplication in the Divine Court by the 7th Imam, who as part of his mission of guidance of the Ummah, has taught us how to beseech the Almighty by mentioning the names of the Prophet and his Twelve Infallible Heirs, beginning from the Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS) to the awaited Saviour of mankind, Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance to establish the government of peace, prosperity, and justice:
“O Allah I bear witness to You, Your angels and Your prophets and Your messengers and all your creations, that You Allah, is my Lord and Islam is my religion and Muhammad is my Prophet, and my Imams are Ali, Hasan, Husain, Ali son of Husain, Muhammad  son of Ali,  Ja’far son of Muhammad, Musa son of Ja’far, Ali son of Musa, Muhammad son of Ali, Ali son of Muhammad, Hasan son of Ali and the Proof (Imam Mahdi), the son of Hasan; and  I follow them and denounce their enemies...”