
News ID: 104496
Publish Date : 05 July 2022 - 21:56

Deputy FM: Zionists Cannot Even Dream of Attacking Iran

TEHRAN - Iranian Deputy
Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani on Tuesday downplayed the recent threats by Zionist officials against Tehran, and said they cannot even dream of such a move.
“The Zionists cannot even dream of attacking Iran and they should know that even if they attack Iran in their dreams they certainly will not wake from that dream,” IRNA quoted the top Iranian diplomat.
Iranian officials and commanders have repeatedly warned Israel of a crushing response should it dare act against the Islamic Republic.
Last month, Brigadier General Kioumars Heydari, the commander of the Iranian Army’s Ground Force, warned that Tehran will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground if Israel makes any mistakes.
“By the order of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, we will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground for any mistake made by the enemy,” he said.
In a recent truculent anti-Iran move, Israel’s minister for military affairs Benny Gantz proposed forming a U.S.-led regional military front featuring Tel Aviv and its Arab allies.
However, the occupying regime itself is grappling with numerous issues.
Over the past few years, especially in recent months, several incidents have busted the Israeli regime’s security and political invulnerability myths.
Last May, the regime launched its fourth wholesale war against the Gaza Strip only to be targeted with at least 4,000 rockets flown by the Palestinian territory’s resistance movements.
Moreover, political uncertainty has also been haunting the Zionist regime for the past four years, forcing it to dissolve the parliament in several cases and hold new general elections.