Indian Gov’t Ought to Purge Anarchists from its Ranks
By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
God Almighty hails His Last and Greatest Messenger to all mankind as “Mercy unto the creation”, the “Most Excellent Exemplar”, “Light Personified”, and etc.
The universal mission of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) was foretold by all the Prophets of the past, including Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and others raised by the One and Only God of the universe in different parts of Planet Earth, such as India, China, Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
His wisdom, his prudence, his patience, his munificence, his compassion, his honesty, his courage, his truthfulness, his trustworthiness, and his resolve to deliver human beings from the darkness of disbelief, such as ignorance, arrogance, intransigence and all sorts of deviations, including atheism, dualism, polytheism and the like, attracted, and have continue to attract over the past millennium-and-a-half tens of millions of people to Islam – Arabic for peace, healthy way of life, and submission to none but the Will of the Almighty Creator.
As history has testified and as contemporary events bear witness, except for the most devilish elements amongst the children of Adam, no person of any other set of beliefs has ever questioned the dynamism of the man whose invitation towards the bliss of Paradise is open to all.
In view of these undeniable facts, it is rather unfortunate that in this age of science and technology, the ever deceiving Satan often traps some ignorant persons in the web of his intrigues to damn themselves by attempts to insult the Infallible Personality of the Messenger of Mercy.
Yet, the Prophet of Peace continues to reign supreme with his enlightening message piercing the darkness of the devilish designs of his detractors, thanks to the sagacity and firm resolve of his followers to confront the blasphemers, whether they happen to be the Godless caricaturists in Europe or the ungodly anarchists who of late have raised their ugly heads in India to hurt the sentiments of the nation’s almost 300-million Muslim citizens in a vain bid to destroy the unity of the country.
Ever since their blasphemous destruction of the historic Babri Mosque in Uttar Pradesh Province in 1992 the anarchists (masquerading as Hindus, which they are definitely not in view of the peaceful nature of Hinduism) have spread their hatred of humanitarian values through poisonous propaganda against Muslims and mosques – places of worship of the Almighty Creator, Who is far glorious to have any form and shape – and have now begun their suicidal attempts to try to tarnish the unblemished image of the “Best of creation.”
The Ummah worldwide, which so far had exercised patience in the hope that the government of India will purge the anarchists who have infiltrated its ranks and seized control of some ministries and state assemblies, can no longer be a silent spectator to such a sacrilege.
As part of its respect for humanitarian values and good-neighbourly relations, the Islamic Republic of Iran on Sunday summoned to the Foreign Ministry in Tehran, the Indian ambassador, and sounded strong protest to the plot of the anarchists to hurt the sentiments of the world’s steadily increasing population of almost two billion Muslims, through crude attempts to insult Prophet Muhammad (SAWA).
Indian ambassador Gaddam Dharmendra has expressed regret and said any sacrilege against the Prophet of Islam is not acceptable, adding that the comments made by two officials of the ruling party, BJP, did not reflect the position of the Indian government, which he said reveres all religions.
He pointed out that the BJP has suspended its erring spokesperson Nupur Sharma while distancing itself from her offensive remarks, and has also expelled from the party Naveen Kumar Jindal, who heads its Delhi media, for his anti-Islamic comments.
So far so good, but Iran and the world Muslims, expect India as a responsible member of the international community, to protect the constitutional rights of the country’s second largest majority, the Muslims, by punishing those anarchist elements intent upon violation of the freedom of the Hijab, the infringement upon mosques, and the call for genocide.