
News ID: 102696
Publish Date : 17 May 2022 - 22:07

Racist Terrorism Rules the US

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
What happened recently in the city of Buffalo, where a teenage white-skinned terrorist sadistically slaughtered a dozen people because of the dark colour of their skin, has once again shocked the civilized world, but it failed to thaw the frozen racist conscience of the US, especially the Zionist-controlled clique that rules it.
Such killings of the innocent have been regular occurrences in American history since 1660, starting with the European settlers’ organized genocide of the native Amerindians (the so-called ‘red-skins’), and has impacted almost every ethnic and racial group in the United States, especially the black people who were kidnapped from Africa and enslaved in the New World.
Native Amerindians, who were forced off their lands and relocated to the so-called reservations, have almost become extinct.
According to historical evidence in the second half of the 19th century within a space of a mere two years during the gold rush, over a hundred thousand natives were massacred in California, whose then governor Peter Burnett had infamously said: “The war of extermination will continue to be waged until the (red) Indian race becomes extinct.”
Until a century ago, before World War 1, the US state and federal governments used to pay millions of dollars to white racist militias to murder the Amerindians.
This Ku Klux Klan (KKK) mentality next saw pogroms against Chinese Americans in the Pacific Northwest, where they were rounded up and expunged from towns under threat of mob rule, while the mistreatment of the Afro-Americans intensified. 
Thus, today, while verbally deploring the frequent killing of the black people by both the white terroristic police force and non-state terrorists, such as Payton S. Gendron, who carried out the Buffalo massacre, the state has resorted to the illegal detention of black Americans, increasing the number of incarcerations in the nation’s prison system, from 300,000 in 1980 to around 3 million at present. 
In view of these undeniable facts, the crocodile tears shed by President Joe Biden over the recent incidents will neither soothe the broken hearts of the colored citizens nor will end the murderous discriminations against them.
After all this racist-terroristic mentality is ingrained in the top echelons of the so-called White House that was built with black labour, and had manifested itself in the person of that hardcore criminal called Donald Trump and his team of murderers who acted with open impudence at both home and abroad, as was proven during the mass uprising of the Afro-Americans during his presidency, and his target-killing of the famous anti-terrorism Iranian general, Qassem Soleimani.
In short, the list of US crimes against humanity is long and unending, and is not confined to the terrorism of American military forces during World War 2 against the conquered Japanese or the subdued European peoples of Germany and Italy, who were mass murdered, and their women gang-raped.
It is also not limited to the My Lai mass massacre of over five hundred unarmed Vietnamese civilians, including women and children, on 16 March 1968, neither to the Dasht-e Leili massacre in December 2001 in Afghanistan when some 2,000 prisoners were shot or suffocated to death in metal shipping containers, nor to the Nisour Square massacre in Baghdad on September 16, 2007, as part of the US killing of over 1.2 million Iraqi people.