PM: Ayatollah Sistani Against Using PMU for Partisan Purposes
BAGHDAD (MEMO) – Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi says revered Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani has warned against using his fatwa which led to creating the Popular Mobilization Union (PMU), better known as Hashd al-Sha’abi, in 2014 to confront Daesh, for political or economic gains in favor of non-national projects. In a statement issued on the 7th anniversary of Ayatollah Sistani’s opinion, al-Kadhimi said: “Our beloved country has gone through very difficult circumstances in those days, which put it before a dangerous existential challenge, had it not been for God’s protection and the fatwa issued by the supreme authority, Mr. Ali Al-Sistani that had stopped this terrorist monster that scared the entire world.”