
News ID: 15374
Publish Date : 24 June 2015 - 21:33

Iran, Nicaragua to Broaden Cultural Cooperation

TEHRAN (IRNA) – Nicaraguan Ambassador to Tehran Mario Barquero Baltodano conferred on Tuesday with Vice-President and Head of Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization Masoud Soltanifar on expansion of cultural cooperation.

The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding on promotion of cultural cooperation in various sectors.
History proved that Iran-Nicaragua relations have been friendly in the past 36 years, Soltanifar said.
Supporting revolutionarily people in Nicaragua and their achievements have been regarded as a basic principle for Iran, he said adding that during the period the Islamic Republic of Iran rendered support for Nicaraguan revolutionarily government at international scenes.
Iran's civilization dated back to 10-11 thousand years ago and has left significant impacts on global developments, he said adding that the impacts of Iran's role would be observed in global balance as well as in the Middle East region, Soltanifar said.
Despite the unjust and illegal sanctions imposed on Iran, the country with reliance on its people and wise leadership of the Supreme Leader has been successful to resolve problems, he said.
'We hope the current nuclear talks between Iran and G5+1 to bear fruit and after removal of all sanctions to witness opening of a new chapter in economic, social, political and cultural cooperation,' Soltanifar said.
Iran is now in a position to emerge as a regional power thanks to the significant achievements in various scientific fields such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, taking advantage of new technological know-how in the energy sector, agriculture and industry and is to put these achievements at the disposal of our friends such as Nicaragua, he said.
The government is to attract some 20 million tourists by the year 2025 requiring expansion of facilities and infrastructures in tourism, he said.
There are about 32,000 tourist sites in Iran very remarkable in terms of tourism attractions in the world, he said.
Iran is among three main producers of handicrafts in the world, he underlined.
Iran is ready to help Nicaragua in various fields as tourism, rebuilding of historical sites and monuments, he said.
Expansion of cultural cooperation would be classified in four categories defined as history, nature, religion and pilgrimage and health, he said.
Some 500,000 of health tourists visit Iran every year due to low cost of services compared to the European countries, he said.
Nicaraguan ambassador described Iran-Nicaragua relations as sincere and historical.
He said that Iran and Nicaragua have ample similarities, so that the grounds should be prepared for further acquaintances of artists and industrialists with one another.
Referring to good political and economic relations, he underlined the need to expand cultural relations between Iran and Nicaragua.