
News ID: 5370
Publish Date : 21 September 2014 - 20:55

Syrian Army Forces Score Major Gains

DAMASCUS (Dispatches) – Syrian army forces have continued carrying out military operations against the foreign-backed terrorists across the country, inflicting major losses and casualties on the terrorists.
On Saturday, Syrian troops launched an operation in the north of the capital, Damascus, taking control of several industrial buildings. They also discovered a tunnel used by the terrorists.
In Jobar district of the capital, government forces managed to kill a number of terrorists, including non-Syrian nationals.
Syrian troops also confronted terrorists in the Damascus suburbs of Tal al-Sawan, al-Bilaliyeh, Zamalka, Douma, located about 10 kilometers northeast of the capital, as well as the industrial city of Ain Tarma. Several terrorists were killed and wounded during the operations.
Meanwhile, intense clashes erupted between the Syrian forces and terrorists in the al-Doukhaniyeh neighborhood of Damascus on Saturday. The Syrian army killed and injured a number of terrorists.
Foreign-sponsored terrorists also suffered losses in Syria’s northwestern province of Aleppo as Syrian army troops closed in on the armed groups.
Terrorist hideouts were raided by Syrian forces in the towns of Ekarda, Qabtan al-Jabal, al-Mintar, Kafr Abid and Maskana. Government forces destroyed several pick-up trucks with machine guns mounted on them, killing and injuring a number of terrorists during the operations.
In the city of Aleppo, located in 310 kilometers (193 miles) north of Damascus, foreign-backed terrorists fired rockets, which left several civilians injured and caused massive damage.
Syria has been gripped by deadly violence since 2011 with ISIL Takfiri terrorists currently controlling parts of it, mostly in the east.
The Western powers and their regional allies - especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey - are reportedly supporting the terrorists operating inside Syria.
More than 191,000 people have been killed in over three years of fighting in the war-ravaged country, says the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), calling the figure a probable "underestimate of the real total number of people killed.”