
News ID: 28245
Publish Date : 27 June 2016 - 21:26

Brexit and Syria Blowback

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer

News abort the referendum results in favor of Britain leaving the European Union continues to hit the headlines across the globe.
Some pundits say Brexit resulted from Obama not adequately invading and bombing Syria, namely having not overthrown the "Assad regime” in 2013. They insist that Obama’s "neglect” of Syria prolonged the conflict, which thus caused more refugees and thereby provoked more racist backlash. Others say Putin was pro-Brexit based only on vague notions of aligned interest, rather than citing any statements by Putin himself. There are also those in between that talk about the economy, the austerity regime and so on.
Whatever it is, we all know it was Iran’s a Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei who had warned much earlier than the Brexit vote that the U.S.-led campaign to regime change Syria could have serious consequences not only for the Middle East but the EU and the West in its entirety ( although the Western neoliberal establishment never paid any attention).
True, Brexit proved that it’s economy, but it also proved that it’s regime change wars,  immigration, and the Syrian refugee crisis that forced the Brits to say no to the EU.
But serious bets can be made that the warmongers and regime changers in Brussels won’t learn anything from the shock therapy and won’t change course. There will be rationalizations that after all the UK was always demanding special privileges when dealing with the EU. But they will never end their special relationship and deadly romance with "moderate” terrorists in Syria.
In that case, they can be pretty much sure that people in other parts of Europe are watching and that the Brexit blowback and contagion is real. Scotland and Northern Ireland want to leave the UK, while a large number of people in Sweden, France, Denmark, the Netherlands and even Poland and Hungary want special status inside the EU, or else. Across Europe, the extreme right stampede is on and they mean business too. And we haven’t even started talking about the vast majority of young people in Britain who voted Remain and now want a second vote, or they may be contemplating "something else.”
With that in mind, Brexit doesn’t mean Britain will be free from further impacts of the Syria war. The same is true for the political system in Brussels. Syrian refugees will keep coming to Fortress Europe because the war is still ongoing. Arguably, in the best possible case, Syria talks would lead to some sort of permanent ceasefire, but the country will still remain in ruins, and millions more will still try and go beyond the ruins of their lives and communities to find "hope” in Europe.
The reason millions of refugees have fled the Middle East – first Iraq, now Syria – are the invasions and imperial mayhem of Britain, the United States, France, the European Union and NATO. Before that, there was the wilful destruction of Afghanistan. Before that, there was the theft of Palestine and the imposition of Israel.
As is, the Brits may have been gone from the EU, but the blood in Brussels, Washington and London has never dried. All this has now come home to Europe, and even the most effective propagandists of the Syria war can no longer afford to look the other way and say the show must go on.
The warmongers wanted to affect regime change in Damascus. With the European Union gripped with socio-economic and political catastrophes and falling apart, the wealthy war criminals better say goodbye to regime change too.
An EU that has failed to create a new, better way of doing politics, merely growing its original democratic deficit also lacks real democracy. It has had a woefully inadequate, cynical response to the refugee crisis caused by leading EU member states’ warfare.
Taken together, Brexit serves as further proof that the warmongers failed to regime change Syria. Any decision to stay the course and exaggerate the situation will only lead even more sound minds to further withdraw from the EU. If Brexit is any evidence, the people of Europe now want an end to the Syria war and the refugee crisis. They have had it with this madness.